Sunday, June 26, 2016

Dr Pramod
sooner was the list of migrating Hindu families by Member of Parliament Hukum
Singh out, than the media jumped to verify if the list was incorrect and that
Hukum Singh had intention of dividing the UP electorate on the communal lines
in view of the forthcoming State Assembly elections. It had in background the
BJP convention referring to “Hindu exodus” from Kairana just a day before.
Teams of English and a Hindi news channel made a bee line to Kairana to
investigate and verify the list. After about a day’s hard labour the omniscient
anchors with their trusted field investigators were ready with their stuff for
the higher TRP rating onJune 13 evening. Then followed some media report
on forced migration on June 14.
The team leaders of both the channels in the very beginning grilled the list maker, Hukum Singh. They had statistics on their platter. They asked him about the names of the dead persons and the families still continuing to reside in town featuring on the list. He replied the names stood for the families headed by the person. Second most important question was about the only Hindu family names in the list, thereby he was projecting the Kashmir like situation. The conversation was abruptly terminated possibly because Hukum Singh retorted back asking them to identify a single Muslim family having migrated out of fear. Well! That is for the objectivity.
One fact however came out that, the local goons were from the Muslim (not minority, rather excessive local majority of more than 90%) majority community and that they were harassing the traders. They did it with impunity for years. They not only threatened but killed. The survey conductors emphasized that these Muslim community goons were nuisance to both the communities and that they conducted extortion irrespective of the community. Both Hindus as well as the Muslims suffered equally.
As the facts were reeled out, the viewers realized the futility of the above claims. Not one team could identify a Muslim trader having been killed on account of having not paid hafta, but all those murdered were Hindus only. Next to feature were the threatened families and traders. Not one Muslim family could come out and say they too faced the personal threats. While only one or two Hindu persons showed guts to say their relatives left Kairana on account of having received threats. Why could these ground zero teams from two celebrated channels with long arms and well equipped personnel not identify a single Muslim trader who was threatened, leave alone killed? Even one confession by a Muslim person especially a trader would suffice the claim that both the communities were the victims of the Muslim goons.
there no Hindu goons left in Kairana with population of about one lakh? The
picture of an apparently Muslim family gathering outside their house with a
bag, was shown as if it was on the verge of leaving. But it did not leave till
the end. The viewers expected the family head (with four wives?) and then the
womenfolk to cry hoarse for being evicted by the goons. It could authenticate
the menace from their co-religionist goons. Till the last moment, family didn’t
step out of the picture. How come the interviewers missed their bites on the
verge of migrating from their own Kairana. Or was it an enacted scene?
Confessions under threats
A Hindu trader, sweetmeat maker, had left Kairana after having received threats. His acquaintance named Goyal was running the show. At the time of interview he was surrounded by the Muslim bystanders. How could he dare to utter of threats in front of them? He has decided to stay as caretaker and possibly had reached understanding with the goons to shell out periodic extortion amount. Well! It is aptly called protection money (Dada-tax!!). A small time trader seen to be operating in the centre of a Muslim area claimed no threats from the fellow Muslims. He too was surrounded by the paranoid persecuting perusing Muslims conspicuous by their dress code. How dare he speak truth in their presence? Both the investigating teams could not identify a single Muslim trader threatened in his shop. The reality as emerged from these managed interviews was they did not feel threatened.
As the cameras were moved around the lanes of the town, lots of wall graffiti could be seen announcing house on sale. Did all these belonged to Hindus? As the cameras moved across the Hindu localities, they wore typically deserted looks. Are there no estate agents in the town of a lakh of population? Or are they not hopeful of getting their due share from the fellow Muslim buyers who in due course will acquire those empty houses at throwaway prices?
Last but not the least, the fake investigation was exposed when one or two Hindu women were asked about the insecurity they were experiencing as they moved out in town. These poor souls having their faces shown on TV, how could they claim to be under threat? Very next moment they step out of their house, they could be victims for their expose. Why didn’t the interviewers hide their identity to get reality exposed? The same insensitivy and utter lack of concern was shown about the families who had left the town. They could have attested that they had left for their own socio-economic advancement and not out of fear. These should include both Hindus and Muslims at least one each if socio-economic advancement was the only or primary motivation.
Was it
that difficult a task? The vociferous denial came from the SP MLA and the local
Muslim leaders who must be reaping the vote bank of their choice. The end came
with summing up on the hackneyed allegation, ney, accusation of communal divide being planned by BJP on the eve
of the forthcoming State elections due early next year.
For common viewers, it appeared to be a stage managed, rigged up, “Aap ki Adaalat” of the Media for TRP by media. Victim was not BJP but the omniscient Anchors, who were out only to brand BJP as once again "communal" totally ignoring entirely the organized hostility towards non-Muslims and diverting attention form the root cause of such hostility namely the "Kafirophobia" that breeds within the Muslim community.
This manifestation of the well known cultural evil of "Kafirophobia" ubiquitous in the majority muslim communities worldwide, recently even attaining majority in many originally non-Muslim geographic areas, is brushed under the carpet by the “pseudo-secular” English and Hindi media time and time again.
(The writer is a Goa based freelancer)
(Editorial privilege for minor corrections and modifications is exercised by the
editor of Sookta)
For common viewers, it appeared to be a stage managed, rigged up, “Aap ki Adaalat” of the Media for TRP by media. Victim was not BJP but the omniscient Anchors, who were out only to brand BJP as once again "communal" totally ignoring entirely the organized hostility towards non-Muslims and diverting attention form the root cause of such hostility namely the "Kafirophobia" that breeds within the Muslim community.
This manifestation of the well known cultural evil of "Kafirophobia" ubiquitous in the majority muslim communities worldwide, recently even attaining majority in many originally non-Muslim geographic areas, is brushed under the carpet by the “pseudo-secular” English and Hindi media time and time again.
(The writer is a Goa based freelancer)
(Editorial privilege for minor corrections and modifications is exercised by the
editor of Sookta)
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