Christianity, Islam and Hinduism!!!!! Thought provoking...
WHAT A SHAME ![]() Fwd - Thanks to the initiative taken by a bold advocate and the social media groups, the mainstream media was forced to take up the issue of the rabid hate mongering tha Mr.Akbaruddin Owaisi who is a MIM MLA, floor leader in the AP Legislative Assembly. Mr.Akbar is not new to this spewing of venom and he has done it on numerous occasions in the past. In some of our earlier posts we had questioned the MIM’s actions and exposed how they manufacture riots in the city of Hyderabad. The idea, it seems is to spread their network outside Hyderabad now and go pan-India. His brother who is also an MP and is a frequent panelist in NDTV and other English channels, has not condemned the comments which also implicitly shows that he is in support of what Akbaruddin said. Videos of Akbaruddin Owaisi at Nirmal Dec 2012 are below While the whole speech was inflammatory and derogatory, for the benefit of many ten key points have been listed down. Ten Key Objectionable Points made by Akbaruddin Owaisi against the country and Hindus during a public program at Nirmal, Adilabad district, Andhra Pradesh - Dec 24th 2012. 1. Insulting Temples : He says ” In Hindustan, we (Muslims) ruled for 1000 years and we left our symbols. Taj Mahal, Red Fort, Agra Fort, Qutub Minar, Charminar, Golkonda and hundreds of other symbols. The world comes to Hindustan to see our symbols.The people from the world do not come to see Ram and Krishna Mandirs” . 2. Claiming that Indian Muslims have the legacy of the invaders. He says”When we ruled for 1000 years, we were not even 1 crore, now we are 25 crores Why are we silent now ? .Every Pandit and Pujari used to offer salaam ( salute) to us. The 4 minars of Charminar show that the East-West-North-South were dominated by us” . 3. Justifying Terror attacks : He Says ” Terror attacks happened, bomb blasts happened – they were wrong. But Oh Hindustan if you had not allowed destruction of Babri Masjid, then the bomb blasts at Mumbai would also not have happened. Every action has a reaction. I am only for Muslims. We will think about secularism only after Babri masjid is rebuilt. “ 4.. Spreading wrong Information about legal system : He says ” Ajmal Kasab was hanged. I dont want to go into a debate on his hanging. Why was he hanged ? He came from Pak came into India, killed 200 civilians and he was hanged. In Gujarat, the person who killed 2000 Muslims – no case has been filed against him. If there is any law in this country, then the way you have hanged Kasab, you must hang Modi. This Muslim of Andhra gives a call that if muslims unite then Modi will also be hanged.” 5. Justifying Bangladeshi Infiltration into Assam : He says ” In Assam, the riots happened using AK-47 on Muslims. You say they are Bangladeshi. If the Muslims are Bangladeshi, who are you Advani ? You ran away and came to India. We Muslims of this country did not run away anywhere. “ 6. Insulting Hindu customs : He says “This country was ours and will remain ours.” ( he stated earlier that the country was ruled by Babar, Shah Jahan & Aurangzeb and they are their followers). He says further “ If in case we go, we will take Taj, Qutub Minar, Red fort. What will be left ? The dilapated Ram Mandir of Ayodhya, the nude paintings of Ajanta-Ellora ! What else be left ? When we die, we are buried because we have love for the land. When you die, you are cremated and mix with the nature like vagabonds.” 7.Threatening a democratically elected CM : He says “There are many such Modis who have come and gone. Modi, come to Hyderabad once and we will show you. Tasleema Nasreen came, no one knows where she is. She ran away. The same will happen to Modi.” 8. Encouraging Violence and Call To Muslims to Kill Hindus – He says” Hindustan – We are 25 crores, you are 100 crores. Remove the police for 15 minutes and we will show you who has more courage and strength. ( Crowd rises up in standing ovation ) Why are you afraid ? When something happens ( meaning riots), I get phone calls. Nobody calls and tells me- “This happened and I did this and now you take care”. Take action – don’t fear. Today, I have this mike in front of me. If tomorrow I hold something else, then there will be so much of bloodshed in this country which this country has not seen in the last 1000 years.” 9. Insulting National Heroes & Hindu sentiments- He says “In Ayodhya , there are 3 mandirs where people claim that Ram was born here. In Haryana, Kaushalyapuram there are places where people say Ram was born here. Oh Vajpayee, Oh Advani, tell us where all did Ram’s mother go. They say Ram was born 15 Lakhs years ago. How do they know what happened so many lakhs of years when we are unable to track even 200 years of history ?” He further says ” There are many pujas that they( Hindus) do. Rama, Lakshman, many more. I knew Lakshmi but who is Bhagyalakshmi ?What sort of names are these ? I dont want to spoil the atmopshere of this pious program by taking this manhoos(ill-fated) names – ( names of Hindu gods and goddesses) ” ! 10. Reg cow slaughter- He says ” If only they ( Hindus) also eat the beef, they will realise how tasty it is. We are eating it and we love it. We will not compromise ” THIS IS WHY MARATHA EMPIRE DEFEATED MUSLIMS AND RULED FOR 100 YEARS OVER MOST OF INDIA OUSTING THE MULSIM POWERS AND THE BRITISH HAD TO FIGHT THE MARATHAS TO GAIN POWER OVER INDIA THAT IS CONVENIENTLY FORGOTTEN. BESIDES MUSLIMS NEVER RULED ALL OVER INDIA EVEN BEFORE THE MARATHAS PUT THEM IN THEIR PLACE IN A COUNTRY THAT BELONGED TO HINDUS FOR 9000 YEARS. THESE HATE-MONGERS DISTORT THE HISTORY TO SUIT THEMSELVES AND FORGET THEY WERE GIVEN A CHANCE TO MOVE TO PAKISTAN AND NOW THAT THEY HAVE CHOSEN TO LIVE IN DEMOCRATIC INDIA THEY MUST HOLD THEIR PEACE AND BE THANKFUL THEY HAVE THE SAME CIVIL RIGHTS AS THE HINDU MAJORITY AND STOP BULLYING. THEIR DREAM TO RULE OVER INDIA WAS OVER 100 YEARS BEFORE THE BRITISH GAINED FULL CONTROL. WAKE UP HINDUS AND DON'T LET SUCH VENOM SPEWERS CONTINUE TO CONTAMINATE THE PEACEFUL ATMOSPHERE OF "SECULAR" INDIA. |
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